The Steel Helmet.
M35, M40 and M42 helmets are are great for this impression. Then to top it off, apply mud or add a Type II Helmet Cover over the top.
Primary Weapon.
This soldier is armed with the Karabiner 98 Kurtz, or Kar98k, as his primary weapon. We encourage all of you to use bolt action rifles as it enhances gameplay.
Dot 44 Tunic.
The Erbsentarn Tunic, or Dot44, is being worn with a Wool Tunic and Service Shirt underneath. This is very common with late war Waffen-SS units. It is not rare to find a wool tunic worn with Dot44 trousers.
Belt & Kit.
As you can see the soldier is wearing standard rifleman kit. important items here for eating, hydration and, should it rain, waterproofing.
Dot 44 Trousers.
The Erbsentarn Trousers are being worn here. This is very common with late war Waffen-SS units although it is not rare to see wool trousers with a Dot 44 Tunic.
Here you can see that the soldier is wearing Ankle Boots and Gaiters. It is not uncommon to see Jackboots even this late in the war.
Waffen-ϟϟ Panzer-Grenadier,
Arnhem, 1944
Here is one of our community member's Waffen-SS grenadier Impression. This is Late war, between 1944-1945. This is one of the most common uniforms spotted in photos of the 9th SS Panzer Division around Wolfheze & Oosterbeek. This might also have been seen in Normandy, Belgium and Germany. An early war SS Grenadier would look very different, this can be found here.
Here is a break down of the kit being worn;
German M42 Helmet
Oak A Helmet Cover
German Erbsenmuster Tunic (Dot44)
German M43 Tunic with Waffen-SS Insignia
German Service Shirt
Belt & Kit;
Tropical Y Straps
SS Belt Buckle
Kar98k Ammo Pouches
Plane Tree Zeltbahn
Bread Bag
Water Bottle & Mug
Mess Tins
Gas Mask Cannister
Gas Cape and Bag
S&T Kar98k
German Erbsenmuster Trousers (Dot44)
German Gamanchen
German Ankle Boots
What other weapons could I use?
What about a sidearm?
If you limit your rifles to under 370fps / 1.27j you wont need a side arm, and this will allow you to storm enemy positions up close an personal. A rubber bayonet is far more effective than your rifle at such close quarters.
Can I use Officer kit? ?
We would NOT recommend coming to an event as an Officer or NCO. These roles are reserved for crew and people in command appointments.